No namespace

auth_prerequisite Check and get the authentication configuration settings
auth_create Create Authentication object This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php
auth_getUserInfo Get user record from db to create auth session This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php
auth_namespace Get the namespace for the authentication object Sometimes, the Auth session name should be different upon directory …
auth_get Get the authenticated user object from Session
auth_set Set the authenticated user object to Session
auth_clear Clear the authenticated user object from session
auth_isAnonymous Check if a user is not authenticated
auth_isLoggedIn Check if a user is authenticated
auth_permissions Get the permissions of a particular role This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php
auth_role Check if the authenticated user has the specific user role This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth…
auth_roles Check if the authenticated user has the specific user role(s) This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth…
auth_can Check if the authenticated user has a particular permission This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth…
db_engine Return the database engine of the given namespace
db_host Return the database host name of the given namespace
db_name Return the database name of the given namespace
db_user Return the database username of the given namespace
db_prefix Return the database table prefix of the given namespace
db_collation Return the database collation of the given namespace
db_switch Switch to the given database from the currently active database
db_close Closes a previously opened database connection
db_prq Make the generated query returned from the query executing functions such as db_query, db_update, db_delete, etc.…
db_query Perform a query on the database
db_queryStr Get the last executed SQL string or one of the executed SQL strings by providing the index
db_error Returns a string description of the last error
db_errorNo Returns the error code for the most recent MySQLi function call
db_numRows Gets the number of rows in a result
db_fetchArray Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
db_fetchAssoc Fetch a result row as an associative array
db_fetchObject Returns the current row of a result set as an object
db_insertId Returns the auto generated id used in the last query
db_insertSlug Returns the generated slug used in the last query
db_select Initialize a query builder to perform a SELECT query on the database
db_count Perform a count query on the database and return the count
db_max Initialize a query builder to perform a MAX query on the database
db_min Initialize a query builder to perform a MIN query on the database
db_sum Initialize a query builder to perform a SUM query on the database
db_avg Initialize a query builder to perform an AVG query on the database
db_fetch Perform a query on the database and return the first field value only.
db_fetchResult Perform a query on the database and return the first result row as object
db_extract Perform a query on the database and return the array of all results
db_table Get the full table name with prefix
db_tableHasSlug Check the table has slug field
db_tableHasTimestamps Check the table has timestamp fields
db_save Handy db insert/update operation
db_insert Handy MYSQL insert operation
db_update Handy MYSQL update operation
db_delete Handy MYSQL delete operation for single record. It checks FK delete RESTRICT constraint, then SET deleted if it cannot…
db_delete_multi Handy MYSQL delete operation for multiple records
db_truncate Truncate the table
db_setForeignKeyCheck Set foreign key check
db_enableForeignKeyCheck Enable foreign key check
db_disableForeignKeyCheck Disable foreign key check
db_and Build the SQL WHERE clause AND condition from array of conditions
db_or Build the SQL WHERE clause OR condition from array of conditions
db_transaction Start a new transaction
db_commit Commit the current transaction, making its changes permanent.
db_rollback Roll back the current transaction, canceling its changes.
db_raw Get raw expression string
db_find Get a single entity result where the primary key matches the value passed in as the second parameter for the table name…
db_findOrFail Get a single entity result where the primary key matches the value passed in as the second parameter for the table name…
db_findWithPager Get array of data row objects with pagination result
db_findBy Get data of a table by condition
db_findOneBy Get one record of a table by condition
db_findOneByOrFail Get one record of a table by condition or throw 404 if not found
db_findAll Get all records for a table
form_init Initialize form
form_set Setter for the class properties
form_token Form token generation
form_validate Form token validation
form_respond AJAX form responder
form_value Permits you to set the value of an input or textarea. Allows you to safely use HTML and characters such as quotes…
form_htmlValue Permits you to set the value to a rich text editor or any input where HTML source is required to be rendered. Allows…
form_selected Allow you to select the option of a drop-down list.
form_checked Allow you to select a checkbox or a radio button
_t Translation helper It returns a translated string if it is found; Otherwise, the given string itself
_tc Get translation contents from the content file located in i18n/ctn/[lang]/*.[lang] Example, i18n/ctn/en/about.en
route_search Search the physical directory according to the routing path
route_path Get the routing path Alias `_r()`
route_url Return the absolute URL path appended the query string if necessary Alias `_url()`
route_updateQueryStr Update the route path with the given query string
route Initialize a route to define
route_group Define route group
route_name Get the current route name
route_equal Check if the current route is equal to the given uri or route name
route_start Check if the current route uri is started with the given uri
route_contain Check if the current route uri contains the given URI or list of URIs
route_except Check if the current route uri is in th exception list
_arg Return a component of the current path. When viewing a page and its path would be "foo…
_get Sanitize input values from GET
_post Sanitize input values from POST
_put Accessing PUT request data
_patch Accessing PATCH request data
_xss Strips javascript tags in the value to prevent from XSS attack
_sanitize Sanitize strings
session_set Set a message or value in Session using a name
session_get Get a message or value of the given name from Session
session_delete Delete a message or value of the given name from Session
flash_set Set the flash message in session This function is overridable from the custom helpers/session_helper.php
flash_get Get the flash message from session and then delete it This function is overridable from the custom helpers/session…
cookie_set Send a cookie Convenience method for setcookie()
cookie_get Get a cookie Convenience method to access $_COOKIE[cookiename]
cookie_delete Delete a cookie Convenience method to delete $_COOKIE['cookiename']
_app Set/Get a global variable/object
_version Returns the current PHPLucidFrame version
_minifyHTML Minify and compress the given HTML according to the configuration `$lc_minifyHTML`
_dir Get a full path directory
_loader Auto-load a library, script or file
_unloader Removing a library, script or file from auto-load
_autoloadDir Autoload classes from directory
_script Declare global JS variables Hook to implement `__script()` at app/helpers/utility_helper.php
_addJsVar Passing values from PHP to Javascript making available to `LC.vars`
_js JS file include helper
_css CSS file include helper
_img Get the image file name with absolute web path
_image Display an image fitting into the desired dimension It expects the file existing in one of the directories `./files` …
_pr Convenience method for `print_r`. Displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. If given a…
_dpr Convenience method for `print_r` + `die`. Displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. If…
_dump Convenience method for `var_dump`. Dumps information about a variable
_g Convenience method to get/set a global variable
_h Convenience method for htmlspecialchars.
_lang Get the current site language code
_getLang Get the language to process Read "lang" from query string; if it is not found, get the default language code Basically,…
_defaultLang Get the default site language code
_langs Get array of the defined languages
_queryLang Get the current site language code by converting dash (URL-friendly) to underscore (db-friendly)
_urlLang Get the current site language code by converting underscore (db-friendly) to dash (URL-friendly)
_defaultQueryLang Get the default site language code by converting dash to underscore
_langName Get the current site language name of the given language code If the site is multilingual, return empty If no given…
_multilingual Get the current site is multi-lingual or not
_protocol Get the server protocol For example, http, https, ftp, etc.
_ssl Check SSL or not
_r Get the current routing path For example,
_rr The more realistic function to get the current routing path on the address bar regardless of RewriteRule behind For…
_cr Get the clean routing path without the query string For example, `` would return `post`
_url Get the absolute URL path
_self Get the absolute URL path
_header Send HTTP header
_redirect Header redirect to a specific location
_redirect301 Header redirect to a specific location by sending 301 status code
_page401 Display 401 page
_page403 Display 403 page
_page404 Display 404 page
_error Display error page
_isRewriteRule Check if the current routing is a particular URL RewriteRule processing or not
_canonical Setter for canonical URL if the argument is given and print the canonical link tag if the argument is not given
_hreflang Print hreflang for language and regional URLs
_getLangInURI Check if the URI has a language code and return it when it matches For example,
_validHost Validate that a hostname (for example $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) is safe.
_title Get the page title glued by a separator
_filterArrayEmpty Filters elements of an array which have empty values
_notEmpty Check the given value is not empty
_breadcrumb Generate breadcrumb by a separator
_shorten Shorten a string for the given length
_fstr Format a string
_fnum Format a number
_fnumSmart Format a number in a smarter way, i.e., decimal places are omitted when necessary. Given the 2 decimal places, the…
_fnumReverse Remove the number formatting (e.g., thousand separator) from the given number
_fdate Format a date
_fdatetime Format a date/time
_ftimeAgo Display elapsed time in wording, e.g., 2 hours ago, 1 year ago, etc.
_msg Print or return the message formatted with HTML
_filesize Find the size of the given file.
_randomCode Generate a random string from the given array of letters.
_slug Generate a slug of human-readable keywords
_sqlDate Return the SQL date (Y-m-d) from the given date and format
_encrypt Encrypts the given text using security salt if mcrypt extension is enabled, otherwise using md5()
_decrypt Decrypts the given text using security salt if mcrypt extension is enabled, otherwise return the original encrypted…
_cipher Get current cipher method
_meta Simple quick helper function for <meta> tag attribute values
_metaSeoTags Print SEO meta tags
_mail Simple mail helper function The formatting of the email addresses must comply with RFC 2822. Some examples are:
_postTranslationStrings Get translation strings from the POST array and prepare to insert or update into the table according to the specified…
_getTranslationStrings Get translation strings from the query result and return the array of `$i18n[fieldName][lang] = $value`
_isBot Detect the current page visited by a search bot or crawler
_write Write output
_writeln Write output with line feed (\n)
_indent Write spacer for indentation purpose
_consoleCommand Simple helper to create an instance of LucidFrame\Console\Command
_consoleTable Simple helper to create an instance of LucidFrame\Console\ConsoleTable
_consoleCommands Simple helper to get all registered commands
_pager Simple helper to create Pager object
_fileHelper Simple helper to create File object
_asynFileUploader Simple helper to create AsynFileUploader object
_middleware Simple helper to register a middleware
_view Get view file
_ds Return directories and file names glued by directory separator
_isAjax Check if the request is an AJAX request
_isHttpPost Check if HTTP request method is POST and has request data
_json Header sent as text/json
_jsonError Response error as JSON
_requestHeaders Fetch all HTTP request headers
_requestHeader Fetch a HTTP request header by name
_requestMethod Get request method
_isRequestMethod Check if the request method is the given one
_addFormData Convert form data into js variable
_nullFill Return a value or empty sign Hook to implement `__nullFill()` at app/helpers/utility_helper.php
_entity Get default entity object from the schema
_addHeadStyle Add CSS file to be included in head section
_addHeadScript Add JS file to be included in head section
_en2myNum Convert English number to Myanmar number
_arrayAssoc Check if array is associative or sequential
_isContentType Check if HTTP header has the given content type
validation_set Setter for Validation class properties
validation_get Getter for Validation class properties
validation_check Check all inputs according to the validation rules provided
validation_addError Add an external error message
validate_mandatory Checks that a string contains something other than whitespace
validate_mandatoryOne Check one of the fields is required
validate_mandatoryAll Check all the fields are not empty
validate_notAllowZero Check a string or number is zero or not
validate_alphaNumeric Checks that a string contains only integer or letters
validate_alphaNumericSpace Checks that a string contains only integer, letters or spaces
validate_alphaNumericDash Checks that a string contains only integer, letters or dashes
validate_numeric Checks if a value is numeric.
validate_numericDash Checks if the value contains numbers and dashes
validate_numericSpace Checks if the value contains numbers and spaces
validate_username Checks if the value does not contain special characters
validate_naturalNumber Checks if a value is a positive integer starting from 1, 2, 3, and so on. No decimal
validate_wholeNumber Checks if a value is a positive integer starting from 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. No decimal.
validate_integer Checks if a value is a positive or negative integer.
validate_rationalNumber Checks if a value is an integer AND decimal.
validate_positiveRationalNumber Checks if a value is a positive integer AND decimal
validate_email Validates for an email address.
validate_domain Checks if the value is a valid domain (alpha-numeric and dash only)
validate_url Validates for a valid absolute web address
validate_exactLength Checks that a string/array's length is equal to the specific length.
validate_minLength Checks that a string length is greater than the specific length.
validate_maxLength Checks that a string length is less than the specific length.
validate_min Checks that a number is greater than the specific number.
validate_max Checks that a number is less than the specific number.
validate_between Checks that a number is within a specified range.
validate_custom Used when a custom regular expression is needed. Searches the value for a match to the regular expression given in…
validate_fileExtension Validation of image file upload for allowed file extensions
validate_fileMaxSize Validation of maximum file upload size
validate_fileMaxDimension Validation of image file upload for max width and max height
validate_fileExactDimension Validation of image file upload for exact width and height
validate_fileMaxWidth Validation of image file upload for max width only
validate_fileMaxHeight Validation of image file upload for max height only
validate_ip Validation of an IP address.
validate_date Validation of a date which checks if the string passed is a valid date. **Allowed formats**
validate_time Validation of a time which checks if the string passed is a valid time in 24-hour or 12-hour format or both **Allowed…
validate_datetime Validation of a date/time which checks if the string passed is a valid date and time. **Allowed date formats**
validate_unique Validation of a record uniqueness
__autoloadHelper Autoload helper
_schema Get schema definition file
_i File include helper Find files under the default directories inc/, js/, css/ according to the defined site directories …
_host Get the host name or server name
_cfg Convenience method to get/set a config variable without global declaration within the calling function
_cfgOption Convenience method to get the value of the array config variable by its key
_p Get the parameter value by name defined in `/inc/parameter/(development|production|staging|test).php`
_env Get the parameter value by name defined in `/inc/parameter/`
_baseUrlWithProtocol Get base URL with protocol
_baseDirs Get base directory list by priority