PHPLucidFrame (a.k.a LucidFrame) is an application development framework for PHP developers. It provides logical structure and several helper utilities to simplify the web application development of complex applications.
PHPLucidFrame is especially designed for PHP, MySQL and Apache. It is simple, fast and easy to install.
Read the documentation anywhere. Also available in PDF. Enjoy it!
It supports a wide range of web application development features.
Almost zero configuration, just configure your database setting and you are ready to go. No complex JSON, XML, YAML or vHost configuration.
Database access API Security control URL routing Validation helpers Internationalization & Localization
User authentication API Schema Manager Database Seeding Console Tool Ajax
No template engine to eliminate overhead of template processing and to save your storage from template cache files.
This is not a framework that rules you, but helps you. Simple is always the best.